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Accreditation assessment suspension
Thank you for your patience while we have been working with industry partners to provide you with clear guidance around accreditation within the ever and rapidly changing COVID-19 pandemic.
The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (the Commission) has verbally advised us that all general practice accreditation will be suspended, taking effect immediately.
This announcement follows liaison between AGPAL and the Commission with the aim of seeking from the Commission their position on managing the National General Practice Accreditation (NGPA) Scheme in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
What does this mean for your accreditation and/or scheduled assessment?
The Commission has advised that all accreditations will be suspended until the nation moves into the recovery phase of COVID-19.
Once recovery commences (at a date to be specified in the future), your accreditation will restart.
Your AGPAL Client Liaison Officer will be in contact with you via telephone (in the first instance) to administer your accreditation suspension. We are prioritising this work according to the chronology of scheduled assessment dates and accreditation expiry dates – initially for practices with due dates within the next six months.
We’re here to support you
We will continue to monitor feedback from relevant industry bodies and media channels to ensure we stay abreast of the challenges you are facing at the frontline of responding to this crisis. We will communicate to you any further revisions to the Commission’s guidance.
Your feedback, queries and specific information about your concerns are important to us and welcomed. This will enable us to put in place optimal systems and process to help you, and continue to effectively advocate on your behalf in our dealings with regulatory bodies.
You can contact your Client Liaison Officer on the details below:
P: 1300 362 111
Our thoughts are with you as we together – as a collective – honour our first duty of care to help slow the spread of COVID-19 in Australia by protecting ourselves and others in whatever way we must.