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Commission enables delay of accreditation on-site assessments

On behalf of the AGPAL Group of Companies COVID-19 Response Team, we would like to inform you that over the past week we have regularly liaised with the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (the Commission) requesting they reconsider their position on accreditation extensions given the challenges faced by primary healthcare providers due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

We recognise the increased demands being placed upon your practice and are grateful for your expertise and commitment at the frontline, responding to an unprecedented global crisis.

We understand accreditation is probably the least of your concerns at present and recognise how bureaucratic and out-of-touch AGPAL must seem not enabling extensions. Please recognise that all accrediting agencies, including AGPAL, are required to abide by the Commission’s guidelines so your practice’s PIP funding is not compromised.

The Commission has now acknowledged the challenges Australian general practices are facing and are softening their stance on accreditation extensions.

While the Commission is yet to provide an official statement, we have received interim advice from the Commission that practices who have a scheduled on-site assessment, can defer if they wish.

The interim advice is focused on those practices with impending on-site assessments. A further update will be released once the Commission provides official advice.

In the meantime keep doing the great work that you are.