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AGPAL webinar: Sustainability of business in a changing environment
At AGPAL, we view accreditation as a continuous improvement journey that we guide general practices through to ensure their patients, staff, and community receive the best quality care and support. To assist throughout this process, our Education and Training team endeavour to provide on-going support and resources for your practice team to learn and benefit from.
As part of these offerings, we host live webinars, some available to the public, and other complementary to AGPAL clients. These provide accreditation guidance, standards advice, policy and procedure tips, and highlight major updates as they arise.
Sustainability of business in a changing environment
This AGPAL webinar, presented by Mr Gary Smith on 19 May 2020, assists in providing general practice teams with a clear understanding of what sustainability means in the context of general practice. Additionally, we outline reporting tools that may be required to ensure the business is surviving, and discuss the role of ‘the team’ in ensuring business sustainability.
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